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Upper St. Clair Athletic Association

Rec Soccer - Referee Registration

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Rec Soccer - Program Overview

With over 700 recreation players, Fall Soccer is the largest USCAA sport program. The Fall Soccer Program is a comprehensive In-House soccer program that provides the children of Upper St. Clair an opportunity to enjoy the sport of soccer in an instructional and fun environment.

The program in intended for children that are in Kindergarten through 6th grade for the current year. This program combines simple skills development with fun “small-sided” games in a single one and a quarter hour session over 8 consecutive Saturdays in the fall (weather permitting) . Depending upon the registration numbers, the Kindergarten league is co-ed or divided into boy and girl leagues.

For the balance of the leagues 1st/2nd grade, 3rd/4th grade, and 5th/6th/7th/8th are provided by for girls and boys (no 7/8 for boys).

Registration for Fall Soccer will begin on 5/23 and be done on-line through the USCAA website.  The season starts in late August and is typically consists of one training session a week and eight (8) games, on eight (8) consecutive Saturdays (weather permitting). The games start the first Saturday following the Labor Day Holiday.

The Fall Soccer Program is a recreational and instructional soccer program, emphasizing teamwork, improvement of physical stamina, development of basic soccer skills, and having fun.

Rec Soccer - Player Registration

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Rec Soccer - Referee Guides

All Referees should review the document below on specific rules for each Age Group

Additionally, below are online training resources for referees (and their parents) to view before their first game

Advice  to New Referees - Being A Referee - 4 min

Advice  to New Referees - Being An Assistant Referee - 4 imin

Laws of the Game: Law 5 - Referee Signals - 7 min

Laws of the Game: Law 6 - Assistant Referee Signals - 10 min


Upper St. Clair Athletic Association

P.O. Box 12551 
Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania 15241

Email: [email protected]

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